Bad tipper, good shitter

By kmctl - 20/05/2015 18:40 - United States - San Francisco

Today, some guy walked into the restaurant I work at and ordered enough food to serve the entire National Guard of Texas. He thanked us by leaving a $0.50 tip and shitting on the bathroom floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 020
You deserved it 2 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sneado 20

Looks like that's the perfect time to slip out on your break or lunch.

Shadowvoid 33

That's an awkward experience, I certainly hope this isn't a normal occurrence where you work. I hope you get better tips and customers in the future


Shadowvoid 33

That's an awkward experience, I certainly hope this isn't a normal occurrence where you work. I hope you get better tips and customers in the future

californiapoppy 11

What some people think is an appropriate tip is embarrassing!

#12 I wish I could like that 100 times, that is way too accurate

Sneado 20

Looks like that's the perfect time to slip out on your break or lunch.

CallMeWindSock 24

He must've been drunk, or an asshole, but probably both.

expertsmilee 26

Was all the food for him I wonder?

Sounds like a shitty situation! (Overused pun alert) I'll show myself out..

itssnotfunny 24

Sounds like his munchies didn't settle correctly.

i work at a subway alone and I've had someone do something similar, then get pissed off when i couldn't make 30 subways (all different in salad and meats) fast enough.

Manager: Who ******* shit on the floor of the bathroom? You: *points towards tables*