By cchandler - 23/09/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I received a phone call from the number of a "single" guy I met online. It was his wife, who is three months pregnant. She threatened to kick my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 325
You deserved it 8 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That should have been a brief and polite conversation in which you informed said pregnant wife of her husband's online infidelities. Of course, the wife's anger towards you is completely misplaced, as it is her husband she ought to be mad at.

Why are these people such idiots? Be mad at your goddamn partner for being a cheating bastard instead.


kick her in the belly to abort that down syndrome baby.

haha that's so messed up. no but seriously, she needs the shit kicked out of her. Okay, it's not your fault... anyway why is a pregnant woman threatening to beat someone up? if not down syndrome that kid's at least got fetal alcohol syndrome.

tenkenshi 2

#34, she's only 3 months pregnant so her stomach isn't big enough yet to stop her from fighting if she really wanted to. Also, the falcon punch is the number one recommended form of abortion. =]

inkedgeek, How did you know the OP got hit on by Todd Palin? You're a genius!

F HER life for getting mad at you and not at her douchebag husband. I've seen that happen before...husband cheats, repeatedly, and the wife goes after the other women and not at the core of the problem. It's not your fault her husband's cheating, and she had no right to get mad at you because her husband is a philandering asshole.

String her along for 3-4 months. THEN fight her. And sell tickets!! I want front row!!!

So, if you got with the "single" guy and his wife, would that be a threesome or a foursome?

indianabummer 0

I hate women like this. The OP obviously had no way of knowing that he wasn't really single. The guy is the schmuck here, but the wife felt the need to call the OP and threaten her. The root of the problem is the husband, not the other woman. She needs to face up to the fact her husband is a cheater instead of getting violent with innocent strangers.

yeah, **** her. stupid bitch should be raging at her own cheating husband, NOT the girl who had no idea what was going on. seriously.

Kick your ass? More like throw up all over you. OP should ask the caller if she used the same poke a hole in condom trick.

mj2123 0

Seriously - pregnant lady should kick her lying husband's ass (out of the house). Don't blame the other woman if she was also in the dark.

trakus 0

This is why the net is not a great place to meet your soulmate.