By jordansquared - 21/12/2018 16:00

Today, I received a Christmas card from my husband’s parents and found for the 7th straight year I wasn’t included on the card. Instead they included a picture of my husband’s ex-girlfriend holding my baby. I’ve already received messages asking if he’s back together with her. No. No he’s not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 110
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Exactly how and why do your inlaws have a picture of your husband's ex holding your baby? You might need to tighten up how much exposure they have to your family. And your husband should be supporting you on this.

Why isn’t your husband standing up for you? It’s been 7 years and he’s letting his family treat you like this? That’s not okay. Also, how on earth did the ex girlfriend get close enough to hold your baby.?


Exactly how and why do your inlaws have a picture of your husband's ex holding your baby? You might need to tighten up how much exposure they have to your family. And your husband should be supporting you on this.

Why isn’t your husband standing up for you? It’s been 7 years and he’s letting his family treat you like this? That’s not okay. Also, how on earth did the ex girlfriend get close enough to hold your baby.?

Why does she need her husband to stand up for her? Why doesn't she stand up for herself?

StagGT 13

Really not getting the point here, are you?

Because it's his parents. If the husband is being passive with how his parents are treating his spouse, the parents will continue to treat her how they want. Her standing up for herself without any support from the one person who should be on her side means they'll likely to continue and dismiss her and could possibly worsen their behavior towards her.

This ^, otherwise she's just a voice in the wilderness, and the parents think they can carry on treating her badly because she's the only one saying something and as far as they're concerned she doesn't matter enough to listen to

And they've been married for 7 years. What's happening here?

childlessmother 16

I feel you should maybe have a talk with your husband. Explain to him how it makes you feel that his family does not include you and ask why his x was holding your daughter for a family photo at that. Not to ruin your Christmas but there could be an underlining reason that needs to be addressed

TxKitten79 10

She shouldn't HAVE to talk to him about this. He should be a real man and tell his family how they are treating his wife is not acceptable. By letting this nonsense go on for 7 years the husband is proving he has no respect for her. I have no doubt my husband would not stay silent on an issue like this.

It sounds like you need to grow a backbone and confront EVERYONE involved. After seven years your husband should have put his foot down on how you're being treated, and the fact that they sent out that picture, implying that his ex girlfriend is family over you is just wildly inappropriate and disrespectful. You need to confront his family AND have his support while doing it. Why in the world would they have a picture of his ex girlfriend holding your baby anyway? Either way, you need to find your spine and put it to some use.

Why wait for her husband to put his foot down on how she's being treated? She should learn to put her own foot down.

Because first and foremost they are a couple - a married one at that, they should be a united front and have each other's backs.. Plus it's HIS family. If she tries standing up to them on her own at this point they're just going to continue the behavior because they obviously don't respect her, or it's going to escalate further. Though how anyone allowed this to go on for seven years is anybody's guess.

I would have raised Hell after the second year they didn't include me in the card and then I'm raising Hell because why the **** is your ex holding my child and why the **** do your parents have a picture of it and why did you let it happen? There's so many reasons for her to be angry here.

onceuponatime456 16

Refuse to have any contact with your husband's family and tell them exactly why you want nothing to do with them!

Just send them a thank you for being so petty card and write how you'll make sure they never see their grandbabies again because you won't expose them to their toxic ,petty , childish bullshit and include a picture of you and the baby and title it the last one you'll ever get 😈

bl3ur0z3 17

My mother in law has the decency to pretend to like the people her children married and only talk behind our backs.

fde2blknimout 18

I know when i never take a Christmas photo im surprised to see im not in one.