Karma ain't real

By Dating sucks - 26/07/2023 22:00

Today, my ex and the woman he cheated on me with are celebrating their 7th wedding anniversary and have 3 children, while I’m still childless, getting heartbroken, ghosted and depreciated by men. Nice to know the cheaters get the happily ever after and I don’t. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 090
You deserved it 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Having children doesn't equal happiness, just saying :)

Maybe seek some help with your own self and find ways to not compare yourself with others. They should NOT be your standard of happiness. It seems you are not over him. I believe enough time has passed and you can stop holding yourself down over that relationship. Maybe by getting g over him fully, you will have the confidence to get into the right relationship for you. You deserve better than clinging to his memory or his current relationship.


Having children doesn't equal happiness, just saying :)

Maybe seek some help with your own self and find ways to not compare yourself with others. They should NOT be your standard of happiness. It seems you are not over him. I believe enough time has passed and you can stop holding yourself down over that relationship. Maybe by getting g over him fully, you will have the confidence to get into the right relationship for you. You deserve better than clinging to his memory or his current relationship.

why do you know any of that? move on and take them off of social media

Just rejoice in the notion that none of his children are actually his. Bitter people relish these kinds of thoughts.

Maybe you suck as a partner? It's really odd that your stalking you're ex's family either way. However, are you sure you aren't the one attracted to users, rather than them being attracted to you?

First, comparison is the thief of joy. Second, be very careful judging someone's relationship from the outside. You only see the great moments, like the ones people post on Instagram. You don't see any of the problems. That's one of the big reasons social media is so bad for many people's mental health. Stop keeping track of what your ex is doing.

lalalaila777 24

fall in love with yourself first, stop trying to fill the void because you're simply attracting the energy your putting out. if you build your mind up to how awesome you are, you enjoy spending time with you, then you'll start attracting others who will also enjoy spending time with you. if you don't like yourself or are feeling desperate you'll attract crappy people, saying things from dating app experiences. don't look at the life that could have been, focus on the future you desire. starting with living you first, take yourself on dates happily (i often did a meal sitting at the bar, a margarita and then a movie alone even when i was married for just time for me) good luck to you

Stop giving a glance at what your ex is doing. Focus on yourself. Comparing what could be your happiness to someone elses is going to let you keep picking the same sort of people they were. You'll stop picking the same asinine people when you stop following your asinine ex. And kids and marriage don't equal happiness. You can have happiness without either of those things. Just sayin'.

Do something with your life instead of focusing on other people's. Maybe get therapy for your obsession with your ex.