By creepermagnet - 10/10/2009 19:16 - United States

Today, I rear-ended a car on the parkway. We pulled over, the guy told me his car was fine, and then asked me out on a date. It was only when I said no that he decided he wanted his car fixed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 929
You deserved it 18 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since he saved you a chunk of money (depending on how bad the damage was) You should have kindly gone on a date with him.

All he wanted was to rear end your bumper if you know what I mean


no shit! isnt that an obvious reaction!? if you went out on one single date with him-he wouldnt mind the car. dumb bitch.

IllegalLight 0

I don't care YDI. One... you rear-ended someone (and it probably was your fault). Two... if you're too cocky to accept a seemingly innocent offer (especially since he was being nice and not calling the police), then you need to check your ego. Three... YDI. :D

She's not too cocky. She's well within her right to not accept. He's just trapping her. He THINKS he has her by the ovaries, but unfortunately for him she actually has some sense of dignity. You don't go out with someone just because they did try to obligate you into a date with a thinly disguised "favor." Her saying "no" brought out that that is EXACTLY what it was, not a "favor" just an attempt to get at her via a method called "blackmail." He was basically "threatening" her that he would make her pay if she didn't go out with him.

threatening her? with what? threatening her to make her take responsibilities for her actions?

I put "threatening" in quotations for a reason. He was pressuring her into a date with him. She does deserve owning up to her responsibilities, as I've said a thousand times before, but she doesn't deserve a desperate loser pulling an Indian giver move just for being a girl with standards.

aliealieawhoaa 0

duhh! you should have just went out with him retard

sublime93 0

You shouldve said yes and gave him a bogus number, but I guess you wouldn't have known he was gonna do that.

ya shoulda said yes then just not show up....this guy was a dick, not your fault at all. but it does now suck to be you

This is not an FML! You rear ended a car. Of course that would need to be fixed.