By Skankeriffic - 19/02/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic for half an hour. The entire time, a man I had gone on a date with and that had gotten very out of hand with, was sitting in the car next to me. I noticed, panicked, and tried to drive off, rear-ending the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 224
You deserved it 30 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awh... what did you expect him to do if he saw you? YDI, panicked for no reason...

AngryNinja 1

hm. i'd be more worried about the person's car you just trashed, not the one-time-shitty-date.


AngryNinja 1

hm. i'd be more worried about the person's car you just trashed, not the one-time-shitty-date.

flippyyfeatherr 0

maybe if you weren't a dick that wouldn't of happened :)

milkshakesrule 0

awh... what did you expect him to do if he saw you? YDI, panicked for no reason...

perdix 29

I'll bet you couldn't resist his big, fat buttcrack. Oops that was yesterday.

Kockdiesel 0

I was thinking the same thing. FYL for tweaking othe people FMLs...LIAR!

It takes me a minimum of an hour to and from work each day. L.A. traffic will make you want to cut a bitch. Or ram your car into someone else's. Or pretend you don't see that motorcyclist coming towards you as you contemplate changing lanes.

I think your the crazy one and he's probably a decent person.

x805xUnknown 6

thats why your in your own separate vehicles, with presumably working windows, and radios so you dont have to do these sorts of things

Out of hand eh? So would this be the second time in one day that someone got rear ended and you were involved?

Honestly, unless "got out of hands" means, "he tried to/did rape me", YDI. I mean, who the hell tries to flee from a loosy date, but flooring the gaspedal, while in a bumper-to-bumper queue? That's like BEGGING to get arrested. And I feel for the fellow who you hit. Whiplash isn't really that great, and you're difinitively not prepared to get hit in such a queue, making the whiplash so much worse. But yeah. FYL to be forced to sit in a traffic-queue next to an ex-date, when you probably gave the people infront of you whiplash. It's ego's like you who aren't needed in society, imo, just so you know.

This exactly. You'd already been sitting traffic for half an hour but suddenly thought you could floor it? And for what, to escape from a guy who you'd been next to for half an hour without any catastrophe happening? You completely deserve the lawsuit and insurance hike coming your way.

Maybe she was the one that got out of control and he got a restraining order against her so she got scared when she broke it. Yeah that must be what happened.

lot of traffic about on fml, ydi for being a dumbass