By girlmeetsworld - 18/02/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, my four-year-old cousin gave me a hug, basically stuffing his face into my crotch. Then he pulled it out and said "Ew, that's stinky" in front of my entire class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 137
You deserved it 13 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cloudy_fml 0

Gotta love kids, eh? ;) Maybe you should work on your *hygiene*... He probably only said it because it's true.

he is 4 years old. What do you expect? Even if you are well groomed, people sweat, and they sweat a lot in that area due to hair concentration etc. it's life.


Cloudy_fml 0

Gotta love kids, eh? ;) Maybe you should work on your *hygiene*... He probably only said it because it's true.

he is 4 years old. What do you expect? Even if you are well groomed, people sweat, and they sweat a lot in that area due to hair concentration etc. it's life.

orangeandblu 0

how do u know.... arent u a dude?

It's common knowledge and maybe, just maybe guys sweat down there too you know like all humans do?

moig_fml 0

i was thinking the same thing as #9

That kid is ZING MASTER JR. for sure!!!! LIL ZING!!!!!

there are no words to describe the hilarity of this.

I don't get why you're in front of a class with your 4 year old cousin in the first place? Kids usually say the "honest" things, so yeah, you probably smelled.

Kids say the darnedest things.... All I got to say is DOUCHE!!! Hahahahahahaha XD

KatieWagnerFab 0

Kids say the darnest things! wrong but so funny.