By buhknee - 25/11/2009 00:08 - United States

Today, I realized that our generation will be remembered as the kids who liked sparkly vampires. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 528
You deserved it 13 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Squadoosh 0

Lol, yeah. Our generation is in love with gay vampires.

So technically "F*CK OUR LIFE" ... Thats so awful...


alex_vik 0

Another thing we'll be remembered for. Calling things "gay" >_>

At least we won't be remembered for beating and killing gays or other minorities.

I love this FML because there was like a 1% chance that this would have gotten submitted And it did!

123e3 0

okay i take that back but come on! this sucks!

bobsanction 18

No, the books suck just as much as the movies. At least the movies are merciful enough to not waste as much as your life as the books do.

could be worse could be known as generation that likes harry potter.oh wait sorry you are

more likely i would say we will be remembered as the nintendo generation

Kids have been calling things gay since the 1950s at least, you're generation gets no credit for that (unless your a boomer in which case my apologies).

I can't believe that you are so stupid as to think that today's teenagers will be remembered as the Nintendo generation. Get a effen clue! The Wii is NOT the first Nintendo ever invented! FYL for being a moron!

americayay 0

I think we're actually remebered as Generation D (the digital generation) or the iGeneration (self-explanatory), etc. And wow. A post bitching and moaning about Twilight. That's so refreshing and not at all more annoying than the creepy fanatics in love with it. It's far more pathetic for you to be obsessed with something you hate than for them to be obsessed with something they like.

yeah.... but my high school is.... 7 kids killing one spanish dude. not cool. and OMG this dude's right!!!!! I HATE SPARKLY VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!DX

When you type "we" or "our", you include the reader. So regarding myself, the poster who said that we will be known as the Nintendo generation was more accurate, since I grew up playing the original Nintendo systems.

Squadoosh 0

Lol, yeah. Our generation is in love with gay vampires.

So technically "F*CK OUR LIFE" ... Thats so awful...

evangldbrg 0

I like ice cream, cherry pie And lemonade with summer breeze I like rainbows, leafy trails And puppy dogs with bumble bees I like cotton candy gum And bumper cars and carnivals Golden skies and hazel eyes And sand in-between my toes...but SOMETHIN' TELLS ME THAT I HATE YOU! SOMETHIN' TELLS ME I MUST KILL YOU!

eyehurts 0

i believe that ^^^^ was the greatest comment ever. >:]

XxHU4LxX 0

79...Dude, that's ICP. Nice.xD

OP you have made my day. I thank thee. I've never laughed so hard....I fear that is also what the next few hundred generations after you will be doing as well.

I feel your pain, OP. =( So technically, F Our Lives!

Biatche 0
poke_chu 3

I love you OP, you're completely right!