By Happyforeverx - 25/10/2009 15:30 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I kept restarting my internet, wondering why I wasn't receiving any messages from my friends. Then I realized they were all ignoring me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 278
You deserved it 8 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

So it was you that kept stopping and starting the Internet. Sorry, Comcast for complaining about the shitty, unreliable service, we now know the culprit. Will somebody be her friend so we can keep the Internet on all the time?


Hello, idiot how about instead of posting "Fml my friends dont like me wahhhh' You do SOMETHING about it. Ask them. Your spending time posting this, why dont you spend time with your friends instead?


if they are ignoring you, you probably deserve it

Ajjas013 6

Try installing that anti-annoying software.

bugmenotmofo 34

YDI for "restarting your internet". You can reset your internet connection, but you can't restart the internet.

DarkSaul 20
perdix 29

So it was you that kept stopping and starting the Internet. Sorry, Comcast for complaining about the shitty, unreliable service, we now know the culprit. Will somebody be her friend so we can keep the Internet on all the time?

nice!!......I spose I could take one for the team, bet she's easy anyway!

Omg hahhahahaha, good one guys. Made me lol in real life.

Turbanator 0

Not seeing how your life is ******.


Hello, idiot how about instead of posting "Fml my friends dont like me wahhhh' You do SOMETHING about it. Ask them. Your spending time posting this, why dont you spend time with your friends instead?

blland 0

it's ok, show up more in real life.

You're probably a bad friend that's why. Give up.

Regnard_fml 0

"I kept refreshing my Internet, wondering why I got no messages from my friends. Then I realize that they got lifes. Unlike me. FML." Seriously, if your friends are not talking to you and even go as far as ignoring you, their most be a reason. and seeing how you come and post a FML about it, the reason is not hiding.

YDI. You really must be annoying as **** if your *friends are ignoring you like that. *(I use that term loosely since they are likely using you for either your money, drugs, or car.)