By JoJo - 17/10/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I realized that acne is a major side effect of a medication I'm taking. The medication is to help me with my anxiety. The acne is creating more anxiety. And the more anxious I get, the more meds I need. And the more my face breaks out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 064
You deserved it 5 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's like saying "it's not the knife sticking out of your chest that's killing you, it's your vulnerability to stab wounds." The dude can care about how he looks if he wants to. Just find a different medication.


visage 0

At this point the only thing left is /wrist!

bosshaug 0

Soubds like a hell of a cluster ****....where can I join?

Thespade_fml 0

Sorry hope you fix this problem maybe take acne medicine also.

DieInAFire 0

Subby I used to have serious anxiety problems. You have the power to overcome it, breathe deeply, count to 10, focus on not allowing yourself to get anxious. Maybe Yoga could help, it really helped me to be able to center myself when I felt a freakout coming on. It sucks to be so trapped by anxiety, but you can overcome it and move forward. Good luck

Uhm, your life isn't ******, switch medicines, problem solved. I don't know what you take but, personally, lexapro tends to help me with anxiety, depression, and my eating disorder. Maybe it would help you? Also, as someone said, yoga could help. Anddd so could weed.

Switch medicines or keep taking them until you end up in the hospital.

FaithX 0

This is one of the problems with marijuana being illegal and/or xanax being so popular as a recreational drug. Small amounts of pot smoked regularly can nearly eradicate anxiety for most people, and xanax is the best man-made medication for it but the street value causes doctors to hesitate prescribing it. As a result, the pharmaceutical companies have created a whole host of other meds with far worse side-effects than either - and acne, as shitty as it is, is probably one of the more minor ones. But seriously, that sucks. FYL.

not to worry...i had real bad ance before as well and i thought i had treid everything till my doctoe gave me eryacne! love it give it a try!