By anonymous - 27/03/2013 23:55 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I awoke to my husband talking to someone on the phone at 2am. I heard him say, "Baby you're making me hard." Immediately, I asked him who he was talking to. His response? "It's Jake, from State Farm." FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 193
You deserved it 9 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he's either cheating on you with a woman, a man, or he's just really enthusiastic about car insurance.


So he's either cheating on you with a woman, a man, or he's just really enthusiastic about car insurance.

Askzombie 14

What you wearing "jake?!?" Ummmmm khakis..........

ohcoolstorybro 14
Capt_Oblivious 10

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FarFromSocial 9

#42 you didn't read the comments above you huh?

I guess not #90, his name is very appropriate.

maronofhearts 19

Well he's definitely gunna need car insurance now, a baseball bat related incident is sure to strangely occur. Anyway full coverage gets most guys off if you know what I mean

BusinessTurtle 8
BusinessTurtle 8

Like a good neighbor State Farm is there… with a divorce settlement

So what it might not have been there when they posted happens a lot

FarFromSocial 9

Pretty sure it was there considering their post is under it.

blackman100 20

It might have been posted while he was typing! Mind blown!

PrincessLiLi_fml 7

Except by car insurance you mean life insurance.

MIght've had the comment box open for a while, letting it sit there.... It happens.

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Toasty283 8

Like a good neighbor, stay over there!

The staff are very "hands-on" with their customers!

TheElBurrrito 21

"Yeah, well she should, because she's a guy." :)

skyeyez9 24

Its from the state farm commercial. Geez.

I don't see why I got so many negative votes for merely continuing the quote from the commercial, when both other people got thumbs up. Lol. Oh well. It's still funny! :)

babygirl0232 8

Its because you said it wrong.

lol. I better make sure I do my homework before I post then. Lol. :D

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alliewillie 22

Yes, because phone sex is just fine as long as they haven't met. Right? Wrong.

It doesn't matter. Cheating is cheating is cheating. She'd be a pushover to let this slip.

He could have even called a phone sex line. Maybe he has an addiction that needs addressed. Im just saying that if she wants to save her marriage, at least she won't be rising about stds or imagining him actually having sex with another woman

Don't knock it till you tried it, people. Flo from Progressive really gets me fired up, especially in random rain storms on the side of the road. rawr!

now you got me wanting to shop for insurance... ohhhh yeah

We make a great pair. "Huh?" Progressive and the outdoors! We make a great pair. "Uhh, yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking."

@21: now every time you shop for insurance, you gotta play some Barry White.

Jechtael 10

My ex was an Allstate girl. Unfortunately for her, the deep voice did it for me ; ) OP: Either you've got a cheater with a great sense of humor, a husband with a disturbing relationship with his insurance, or a great sense of humor and possibly no husband at all. Whatever the case, favorited!

call back and try if it makes him 'hard'

vadaaa 11

This makes no sense, please try again.

Well she ( his wife ) couldn't or won't make him hard so what. She won't cause she probably the one with at two other guys