By Coquette - 22/04/2012 18:14 - United States

Today, I realized just how awful my relationships have been when I discovered I emotionally connect with women on Jerry Springer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 957
You deserved it 5 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was about to thumb you up, but then I saw the dreaded hashtag.

15- did you seriously just use a # on FML? .-.


You Americans have Jerry Springer and Maury. In Britain we have Jeremy Kyle - it's mostly chavs and low-life's. I like watching American TV, it's so different!

Exactly what I was thinking. "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! " -girl runs away crying hysterically-

NiecyLuv365 1

You going find someone one day.

perdix 29

Move to a classier trailer park :D You'll find a higher quality tattooed moron.

kaymi 17

Not promoting ho-baggery but I rather be on Maury.

Epsilonyx 15

Did your boyfriend turn out to have a ****** and was in love with your mother, too? :/

ayyemmcee 1
KatrinaKitten 16

Or maybe you just watch too much Jerry Springer?

Trisha_aus 15

Don't feel bad op! The women on jerry springer arent so'll find your Jerry soon

You've never seen Jerry Springer before have you?

Trisha_aus 15

Haha no..We get american shows here but haven't seen jerry springer..heard of it though..but really are the women that bad?