By depr3ssed - 31/01/2010 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized what all the women I've been with have in common: Craigslist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 558
You deserved it 29 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I kinda call it a win for being able to find more than one REAL person on craigslist...

HeresReality 0

for those of you who don't understand, craigslist is a website where people can advertise their job openings. it is used In this context when prostitutes advertise themselves ad this is how the OP gets women


HeresReality 0

for those of you who don't understand, craigslist is a website where people can advertise their job openings. it is used In this context when prostitutes advertise themselves ad this is how the OP gets women

haydenshaw 0
bettadenne1 0

u proly meet sum s then and sum 

Umm...nobody is making you have meaningless sex with random women. Your life IS ******...but you're the one making it ******!

Today, I realized what all the women I've been with have in common: facebook. FML. see? I can do that too.

Zigma_fml 0

@39: no, he's ******* the ones in his life!

@59... I realised what all the women I've been with have in common... there're female ( anyone can do it)

wow #50 is fine but how is this a FYL?

stewie1744 0

LMAO... I agree with the guys (hopefully they are) further down the page, you'r e gorgeous.

Menick47 0

it's the only place for people to find other people who do things for them for a cheap price. Zing!

I'd imagine they all have STDs in common too.

I think it's pretty pathetic that the OP has to meet women on craigslist, of all places.

I kinda call it a win for being able to find more than one REAL person on craigslist...

nobridgejustwate 0 mean all the women you've been with are "massage therapists"? lucky you. hope you don't have any STIs, though. ;D

softballer22 0
mygoodsir 0
screwball111 0

I have a best friend and his name is Craig. haha he's a cool guy but I think maybe you should go go on the millionaire matchmaker. she works miracles that patty! good luck with love! ~yur welcome!

Don't you have to be a millionaire to be a participant in the millionaire matchmaker? Craigslist just doesn't have that debonair to it that having a savings account with seven digits has.