By Anonymous - 07/09/2014 07:01 - United States - Whittier

Today, I realized how truly insecure I really am, when the guy in the show I'm watching looked straight into the camera and I immediately looked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 008
You deserved it 5 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sierra7211 17

Breaking the fourth wall makes me uncomfortable too

I wouldn't look away but actors looking straight at the camera can be awkward, though.


Sierra7211 17

Breaking the fourth wall makes me uncomfortable too

I could handle it with Malcom in the Middle but other stuff just feels weird.

Yea, definitely. Next time he looks at you, stare right back at him and say "how's it going baby?"

So you want to, like, go out or some shit?

I wouldn't look away but actors looking straight at the camera can be awkward, though.

Well if it was when Kevin Spacey did it in House of Cards you have every right. How he manages to pull off funny and creepy at the same time I have no idea...!

I thought of him too, you feel raped!

SystemofaBlink41 27

I feel "raped" is kind of a strong word...

#47 Well, it is what they feel, which isn't always logical. It's probably this creepy feeling of something being done to them against their consent even though it's a character on the TV and he can't do anything to them. I think that's what's meant by the term "rape face" that's often used on the internet. Personally, I think the word violated would be more appropriate.

Well try to be positive. Insecurities can easily be fixed with a half glass full attitude. I mean I'm chubby and get called out about it, and I always reply "yeah so? I've got more warmth than you twig boy."

I highly doubt that you say that to them.

almightyteapot 8

Oh, if it really was that easy.

I'll have to remember that response, I like it.

but.. does that still works if i'm not pikachu?

Odds that 8 & 26 have the same profile picture?

Mads_1234 28

That's a common profile pic, it seems. Used to be mine too quite a while ago haha

I have to admit, I honestly thought I got hacked and some one was posing as me, then I looked at the user name. I didn't think it was that common to have this profile pic. Now excuse me while I go flip off a picture of the White House because Queen Obama removed all the good things from the school vending machine.

popprock 13

That's absolutely adorable xD

That's a new level.. Remember OP, the most important person to love you is yourself!

I wouldn't blame you. When actors look at the camera it feels almost like they can actually see you watching them watch you. Creeps me out a tad.

ber4fun 23

It's ok OP, love yourself and others will love you too.