By that girl has a beard - 04/08/2015 07:33 - Canada

Today, I went to the movies. A really cute girl sat beside me. I tried to strike up a conversation with her until she turned to look at me and I realized he was a guy. I couldn't even finish the movie because I felt his judging eyes burn holes into me the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 735
You deserved it 6 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheNiceOne 20

Op, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that it was probably really really dark in there at the time.


*that. There was a 2-minute window for editing that. A TWO-MINUTE window! Oh well.

Theaters are very dark and some guys have long hair and look very feminine. Sometimes it's hard to tell, let alone in almost pure darkness.

In the case of it being too dark to tell the sex, how would he know she was really cute?

There are some people where it's hard to identify a gender and they can be interpreted as either. I believe buzzfeed has a video of people that look both genders if you want to check it out.

Asian, Filipino, and Hispanic men can have very soft feminine features that will make you take a double take, and in the dark? very possible. The other races can have gender neutral looking people too obviously but i listed those because they're the more common.

TheNiceOne 20

Op, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that it was probably really really dark in there at the time.

Not only that, but DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY!

Then he shouldn't be talking! Movie is starting, shhhh

"In his defense, it was dark & he was pretty." God, I just love chandler XD

If you tried that while the movie was showing, YDI.

joeyl2008 29

I'm hoping he meant that happened during the previews (even though it sounds like it was during the actual movie which is ****** up)

I'm going to assume he talked during the previews, but I'd still stay ydi because being hit on at that time would still be annoying as if you're not interested you're stuck having to reject them and then sit awkwardly next to them for another 1-2 hours.

She-males don't exist there is only Guys with ****! -ted

The username at the top suggests that you should have been able to notice he wasn't a girl sooner

Maybe if you kept your eyes on the screen and not people watching in the dark you would have realized it was a guy from the beginning.

randomguy76 14

It's okay. Everybody is a little gay.