By TiredHomeowner - 16/07/2018 15:00

Today, I realised just how skewed my reality is when I was pleasantly surprised that teenagers threw eggs at my windows. They usually throw rocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 396
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Skew their reality. Build a potato cannon.

You must be thrilled when you stomp out a flaming bag of dog poo, instead of the typical flaming barrel of Russian nerve agent. Silly teens!



Skew their reality. Build a potato cannon.

ChromoTec 24

Just keep calm and rock on, if you know what I mean

You must be thrilled when you stomp out a flaming bag of dog poo, instead of the typical flaming barrel of Russian nerve agent. Silly teens!

Donut_Wizard 23

Ooooh, maybe next time they’ll throw bacon.

Invest in The Mosquito. That should repel them for a while.

no. sorry but those.devices.reslly make me.sngry. They are so discriminatory and target people based on age. they make me feel so unwelcome and judged purely for my age!. how would people feel if similar things were often used that targeted over 80s??

Get yourself a security camera catch them in the act then call the police or get some dogs to tear them some new assholes.

Justine Malang 16

Hope you didn't turned your wipers on.

I like to surprise people when I.u throw eggs at them by boiling them first.