By RestlessDiesel - 18/04/2016 14:40 - United States - Hudson

Today, I pulled off the road to help a turtle cross it. Before I could get out of my car a dump truck ran over the turtle, splattering my car with turtle guts and bits of shell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 067
You deserved it 1 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were too slow heheh... I'll leave now


I know this feeling. The exact same thing happened to me one morning on the way to working out. That was a pleasant thought while I was working out. *Sarcasm* Poor turtle.

you should never stop like this. you're putting more than yourself at risk. just keep driving...

Helldemon 32

You must not have read the article or you didn't read the FML. The women stopped on the road on a highway. This guy pulled off what could have been a normal road and even if it was a highway as long as he isn't stupid could have safely got the turtle to safety.

And it was said the guy was speeding and not paying attention so he couldn't stop in time.

At least you hadn't gotten out of the car yet. You could have been wearing the turtle guts too.

You should do the honorable thing pray and then make sure it doesn't go to waste

WOW, another turtle rescuer. You have to be fast and lucky. I have seen truckers and others swerve up to across 4 lanes to run over turtles. I am pretty sure they would run you over if they had a chance. Be safe out there.

Knowing American A/Z drivers, he was aimin for it.