By creamed - 20/02/2010 17:29 - United States

Today, the pictures from last night's party were put on Facebook. The pictures that show me getting in a drunken fight with a girl and her putting my face through the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 069
You deserved it 36 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThankYhuCaptinOb 0

It says you are a man. You deserve it for 1. Getting Drunk 2. Fighting a GIRL and 2. For thinking you could win. Just playing. But really , never underestimate a girl. :)

Sorry to be a counting Nazi, but you said two twice.


rescueLove 0
YourEvilHero 12
janise 2

If you're referring to the OP it says he's a guy not a girl.

Ajjas013 6

Then OP must be an 'animal' Walrus?

No no, that's the other OP - the one whose bum has to be lifted in order for it to be dried. I was thinking more of a gorilla. Or maybe OP's pedobear...

Hmm... I have to admit neither of those thought have ever crossed my mind. Okay that's a lie, the snake one has. Whales as well...

_mystique_ 0

where does it say OP is a guy?

YDI for having a Facebook. Stop being a tool.

OmgGuessWhatChic 0

Oh my god I didn't see that first, that makes it even funnier :D

I don't understand why having a facebook means you are a tool. It's a great way to stay connected with friends. That being said, ydi op for being a drunk dumbass.

11, OP deserves for getting so drunk that he got into a fight with a girl and then lost. Humiliation like that should be made public.

she souldnt get all crazy when drinking u can't blame any 1 but ur self that's what she gets! handle ur alcohol! if ur ganna drink learn how to.


what's wrong with having a facebook

schwinn11 0

Dude, you're such a bitch! Hahahahaha

its a guy lol n a girl which only makes it classic lmfao ydi mayb u shudnt get so drunk next time.

expen_dable 0

#26 probably thinks he/she looks like a badass "non-conformist" for hating Facebook. "I don't play by societies rules, I'm so original and unique!"

what do you have a myspace? because in that case, you're the tool who's not open to change. do you still have a walkman and think people with iPods are 'tools'?

facebook ruins soo many peoples lives lol. it's amazing how everyone still keeps it tho

_mystique_ 0

whoops never mind i see it 8/

DJ45_fml 0

you were responsible for it actions ydi

1. thats a she not a he. 2. he deserves it for getting drunk

flippinsweetness 0

98 I believe you are referring to "special snowflake syndrome" in which the sufferer believes themselves to be the most special little snowflake to ever live. Symptoms include hating on Facebook for no good reason, claiming to know what "rawr" means in dinosaur, feeling special because they would make a sandwich for a girl, and not ask for one in return, and using the quote: "And YES I am a girl gamer omg get over it." more than zero times. Many sufferers are Tweens who outgrow the disease at the latest in their mid twenties. Some of the more tragic cases, however, can last well into late adulthood. The more you know. :)

ThankYhuCaptinOb 0

It says you are a man. You deserve it for 1. Getting Drunk 2. Fighting a GIRL and 2. For thinking you could win. Just playing. But really , never underestimate a girl. :)

Sorry to be a counting Nazi, but you said two twice.

Cool what's the username on FB so we can all see you gettin your azz kicked!

Thunderbender 2

I laughed for a good 2 minutes when I realized #34 was right.

npk88 0

YDI for being such a loser pussy guy that you got into a fight with a girl. There is such a thing as "untagging" in case you didn't know but I hope any potential employers somehow find this pics of you and they prevent you from getting a good job.

untagging doesn't do much. you can, however, report the picture. . . I think.