By inseriouspain - 22/08/2010 21:20 - United States

Today, I popped a zit and I went to put my acne medicine on it. It's in a clear bottle with a blue cap, just like the nearby nailpolish remover. I grabbed the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 474
You deserved it 14 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ha there actually is a "correct" way to pop them; wrap two fingers in tissues and gently pressure til all the pus comes put, then put some astringent and neosporin on, to disinfect and prevent scarring. that is today's FML FunFact.

alaskan420 0


ydi how did u not nitice the smell?!?!?!

ydi how did u not nitice the smell?!?!?!

Shadow_Spark 3

Yowch. Been there done that. Not those exact circumstances, but similar. Mine involved mistaking Worcestershire sauce for cream soda in the middle of the night. Same bottle-shape, -size, -weight, and consistency of liquid.

OOHH... So sorry, OP. just don't pop your ZITS next time. It makes them worse by shoving bacteria down deeper. It also breaks your skin, often leaving a scar. Just use the medicine, if any. Or just wash your face with warm water and a facial cleanser twice a day; morning and night. :) you're perfectly gorgeous just the way you are!

I put nail polish remover on mine all the time

Epicvidmaster 5

Damn, I can feel the burn just thinking about it OP :/