By Jess - 30/05/2009 12:48 - United States

Today, I overheard my 5 year old daughter call a girl in her dance class a slut. Shocked, I asked her where she heard that word. Her response: "I heard you and Daddy say it about her Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 366
You deserved it 71 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah YDI for talking like that around your 5 year old

Why are you bad-mouthing people like that at all, let alone in front of a five-year-old? Really, it says more about your own insecurities...


ClaireXX 0

That's what you get for being judgmental. Even if you make sure that your daughter is out of the room, your general judgmental personality will eventually catch on. Maybe next time you shouldn't be so judgmental. Because as someone else said, karma sucks.

rainbowchelle 0

Lol, awesome. I think that's hilarious. And I love that so many people are attacking the OP on this....I'm sure that no parent in the history of the world has let a bad word or two slip around their children or anything, right? I don't think it's a huge deal. And wtf, why is the OP insanely judgmental for calling someone a ****? What if the woman WAS a ****? It would just have been an observation...

YDI on this one. You taught her it.

28 your retarded. Learn to ready. The girl little said that her mom and dad said about the OTHER little girls' mom. Jack ass.

YDI ...what goes around ..... comes around !

Ouch, YDI though. Keep an eye on what you say around her from now on.

awww that's cute. I dont know why I find that cute, but I do.

killuhb 0

Kids repeat everything so maybe next time you should take an extra moment to see if shes around.


haha thats funny... buh kids do repeat everything they here... and they speak the truth..most of tha tyme...