By Foufinator - 04/10/2009 19:33 - France

Today, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I was starving and it was the fastest thing to order. Half way through it, I found something which does not belong, and removed it. It was half a cockroach, and I don't know where the other half is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 129
You deserved it 3 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Expertfail 0

Maybe it was a really deformed half-cockroach? Or maybe you ate it.


Lightz_Camera_Me 0

I was eating chicken when i read this.....uh yea appetite gone

moopsy234 0

u suk!!! that's my favorite snack mayne!!!! but YDI for not checking it 1st

muffinsareyummy 1

You have to look at this with a glass half full mindset, if you did eat the other half of the cockroach you just got extra protein. But FYL, I would of sued the hell out of that place.

StopBeinLazy 0

I know where the other half is.... :)

Gawd this reminds me of that awful "cockroach" incident on TV here in Japan. Some guy ate a cockroach on live TV a few years ago. A week he died because the cockroach he ate had eggs attached to its belly and they hatched in his stomach. D:!!

Yyz 0

Dude, this is 3rd time someone has posted this story, verbatim. If you are going to make stuff up at least try to be original.

it's in your stomach, mystery solved!

slag_ 0

you liked it. =] SUE! and witch fast food restaurant is this?