By Foufinator - 04/10/2009 19:33 - France

Today, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I was starving and it was the fastest thing to order. Half way through it, I found something which does not belong, and removed it. It was half a cockroach, and I don't know where the other half is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 129
You deserved it 3 558

Same thing different taste

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Expertfail 0

Maybe it was a really deformed half-cockroach? Or maybe you ate it.


cockroaches are among the healthiest insects you can eat... and the tastiest!

xnachox 6

the same thing happened to me but it was a stink bugXP i know how you feel...

umm shouldnt this be on my life is awesome? :D

irockyahhig 0

eww, damn. ! i would like freak out daww'

Eww. It happens with me all the time, with a myriad of different bugs, I hate that. FYL, for sure.

thats happened to me before. halfway through drinking my minestrone soup i found a cockroach in it. i had been drinking cockroach soup. i almost puked.

I know where the other half is!! I know!!!

I once found a black widow in my cereal. It was laying upside down at the bottom of the bowl and its legs were going crazy trying to flip itself back over. I had eaten the whole bowl... Must have crawled into the box when it was left open... I vomited for an hour. I feel your pain. (Except I didnt eat half of it.)

Hi... Im not French, or a dude. FML support messed up with that. Im Midde Eastern. We don't eat snails and frogs here :S Euw.... Or cockroaches for that matter. And.. I COULD sue.. but its kind of a small chain restaurant.. not Mcdonnald's for who ever's wondering. Its barely got 4 branches open where i live. Its not even worth the lawsuit. Just never eating back there again! Im sorry for whoever lost their appetite.. but now you know how i feel :P Also, a month or two before that i'd gotten a fly in my coffee.. that was still alive.. How do i know it was alive? I felt it next to my tongue ring in my mouth. Fml.. again.

seriously nastyyy D: in your mouth, too! O_o