By JC - 06/12/2009 04:30 - United States

Today, I realized I've lived alone too long. I read 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' to my cat. I used expression in my voice, and I made sure he could see the pictures. My son called, and I told him about it. He gave me the number for the local psychiatric ward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 546
You deserved it 9 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What, so cats cant enjoy How The Grinch Stole Christmas? Wait, what was the point here?

glorbnakcs 0

FYL indeed for having a douche for a son. I'm not a lonely person, but I read to my dog sometimes. Guess what. I bet lots of other people do it as well. It doesn't make them crazy.


lolzaursking 0
kevinwestonjonah 0

idk why people agree about OP being crazy, the cat just asked her to read a story GawL..

Yes... I'm sure he actually thought you were crazy and honestly, literally gave you that number. And of course, if he really thought you were crazy, he expected you to call it of your own free will. Come on... there's hyperbole, and then there's just being ridiculous.

itsamemaria 0

lmfao wowww. get out more, kiddo.

Kiddo? She's old enough to have a son who has moved out.

She earned the "kiddo" either way. Grow up, OP. You're not an infant anymore. Although, after reading this, I wouldn't be surprised if you followed up your story by drinking a sippy cup of baby formula.

He was right in referring you to the looney bin. I'll request they send you a pamphlet also.

glorbnakcs 0

FYL indeed for having a douche for a son. I'm not a lonely person, but I read to my dog sometimes. Guess what. I bet lots of other people do it as well. It doesn't make them crazy.

Doesn't makes them crazy but there is something wrong if you read an entire book to your pet, in this case the woman is just lonely and should get out more, if she has trouble doing so she should call the number just for a little bit of help not because she is going to have a mental breakdown. Your son just wanted to help you not tell you the next step was off to the insane asylum

reading an entire book to her pet? It doesn't take that long for most of us to read the ******* grinch.

EnvyMe33 26

What, so cats cant enjoy How The Grinch Stole Christmas? Wait, what was the point here?

Where is your son? Unless you're saying he's with her mother and you're separated. Either way, not really a FML. It's more of a FML that you can't see your son. I'd work on that.

OP is a woman, dude. And if I was the son, I would stay far, far away from her.

what the hell? does this mean that once you're old enough to move out, you no longer have parents? In other words: the OP could be, like, 50 and her son could be 25 and moved out of home. Oh, and btw, shouldn't you have said "he's with HIS mother" not "he's with HER mother"?

fobchick 0

wow your a werido, why don't you something more productive with your time then read to youre cat? I bet you're cat thinks you are crazy as well as you're son! YDI

i have an idea what you could do with your time, you could learn the difference between "your" and "you're" and the appropriate places to use each one. (you consistently used "you're" when you should have used "your" and vice versa.)