By BugDTV - 27/11/2018 09:30 - United States - Auburn

Today, I went to open my store but corporate had changed the locks without notice. The store's being sold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 884
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a pretty standard operating procedure. They don't tell anybody because they're afraid everything will be stolen.


That is a pretty standard operating procedure. They don't tell anybody because they're afraid everything will be stolen.

ViviMage 38

What if you keep personal effects in the store, like oh, a cellphone charger at your desk? When I worked at Macy's I had a locker for my purse.

You try to get ahold of them. As I said they're not required to give notice, and many places never do. One day they just lock up and never reopened. If you work for Macy's you should expect that to happen soon.

Red Swingle 5

don't they have to give you notice? people at toys r us had notice that they're not holding the job after a set time.

Nope. in the US they are not required to let you know. Many places, especially restaurants, are just locked up and closed. The only reason toys r us let people know if they had a lot of inventory they had to liquidate.

Umm I'm pretty sure that's illegal they have to allow you to remove personal effects