By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07

Today, I once again told my son he needed a job and a girlfriend because I simply could not keep him in my house anymore. He yelled, "No, I can do whatever I want!" Then went back to playing video games. He's 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 356
You deserved it 46 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Did you ever think about addressing this problem a little earlier?

YDI for letting it get that far. Just throw his stuff out and change the locks. The guy is 38 for ****'s sake.


cheer4ever96 8

WOW he is a failure. kick him out and change the locks on your house.

RaVeN53 7

if he's going to live there u should at least demand rent, n if he doesn't pay kick him out! he's a grown man u should have addressed this back when he turned 18 then u wouldn't be in this situation! so really it's ur fault to let it get this far

icadragoon 11

Call the cops, that will get him out.

you decided that now was the time to call him out on his shit and not, ohh lets say... 20 YEARS AGO?

You must beat him at video games then he will leave!

hey I'm a gamer too but not that bad holy crap at least I have a job that pays $20 an hr and I'm getting married in febuary

DeadxManxWalking 27

lol Dale from "Step Brothers"

hubla 0

maybe your son is gay and has high anxiety so he can't get a job because of the stress