By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07

Today, I once again told my son he needed a job and a girlfriend because I simply could not keep him in my house anymore. He yelled, "No, I can do whatever I want!" Then went back to playing video games. He's 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 356
You deserved it 46 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Did you ever think about addressing this problem a little earlier?

YDI for letting it get that far. Just throw his stuff out and change the locks. The guy is 38 for ****'s sake.


Maybe no girl would want to date him, ever thought about that?

Wow, I would have kicked him out years ago. Someone like that needs a reality check. Kick his ass out already.

You have no right to dictate his love life. What does getting a girlfriend have to do with independence? A job is fair enough to expect after he graduates college, but he doesn't HAVE to find a woman. Maybe he doesn't want to; ever think of that? And what impact would it have anyway? At best, he would move out and then mooch off her instead. The job is the only important piece here. Lay off his lack of romantic pursuits.

FreebirdIII 1

If he had a social life, let us say a relationship, he would strive to make it work and hang up the controllers. Also, he would be determined to get a job to go one dates, and who knows save for a ring one day. Sounds like OP has the sons welfare in mind, but is way too giving. OP needs to sever parent / child relationship, and treat son like a man. Toss him out and hope he lands on his feet.

Butasko0ch 0

kick his ass out send him to the store and leave his things outside

38? that sounds a little bit exaggerated.

ghashlycrumbs 8

A job maybe, but he's never going to get a girlfriend. A job is a stretch even. My suggestion is, while he's asleep or absorbed in a game - start putting his shit on the curb. Change the locks. When he goes out to get his shit, lock all the doors. If he starts kicking up a fuss, call the police.

lol your fault for not raising your kid Right