By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07

Today, I once again told my son he needed a job and a girlfriend because I simply could not keep him in my house anymore. He yelled, "No, I can do whatever I want!" Then went back to playing video games. He's 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 356
You deserved it 46 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Did you ever think about addressing this problem a little earlier?

YDI for letting it get that far. Just throw his stuff out and change the locks. The guy is 38 for ****'s sake.


sk1ml1fe 0

tell him if he loves video games so damn much to go be a gamer and test out damn games are design them bc that's funny but also pathetic

Kick his sorry ass out and tell him to stop being a lazy f*ck

he is 38 how old are you, and your posting on fml I see where your son gets his motivation shouldn't you have better things to do with your time

old people don't have to do things.

just take the games and burn them in front of him, then give the option of burning his clothes and other stuff or get the f out... his choice...

shoulda tried kickin him out 18 years ago...

melibear89 7

it's called changing the locks if and when he ever walks out of the house. don't be an instigator.