By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07

Today, I once again told my son he needed a job and a girlfriend because I simply could not keep him in my house anymore. He yelled, "No, I can do whatever I want!" Then went back to playing video games. He's 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 356
You deserved it 46 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Did you ever think about addressing this problem a little earlier?

YDI for letting it get that far. Just throw his stuff out and change the locks. The guy is 38 for ****'s sake.


Maybe you should have done a better job parenting.

YDI for not knowing how to raise your child! I think if you google something you can find it... well since your on the computer anyway!

Good luck with the girlfriend thing...what girl wants to date a jobless 38 year old still living at home playing video games?

nmp1026 0

so then that must mean your Like 60.. o.O

takemewithy0u 0
spartanfan68 0

ydi for enabling him kick his ass out

CurlyQute 17

wow no offense ment to you but your son is pathetic.

7, who said its a xbox he is playing? everyone (except 50 % of xbox users) knows that ps3 is the best console. besides, he is probably playing tetris or pong :D

He's a child. Have him evicted legally.