By Annie - 22/11/2009 22:07 - Mexico

Today, I noticed that my dog was feeling sad. I let him hop on my bed with me to make him feel better. It worked, right after he vomited all over my face and pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 664
You deserved it 6 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good lesson to remember: pets don't have purely psychological mood problems, at least not independently (they may react to the owner's good/bad mood and adopt the same mood, but they won't all of a sudden feel "the blues" when there is no external or physical reason for it). If your pet suddenly starts being sad or whiny, and nothing bad happened around him (wasn't yelled by the owner, bit by another dog, witnessed a fight between owners, etc.), that means there's an immediate physical problem (hungry, cold, in pain, nausea, etc.). Either way it won't be purely psychological. Trying to "cheer him up" without addressing that problem won't work, and can only lead to a result similarly to the one OP described.

Okie7123 0

When I'm sad, nothing makes me feel better than vomiting all over someone's face and pillow. Don't knock it till you try it ;)


Well now you know the difference between sad and sick. Hopefully you didn't repremand the pup for somthing it can't control.

dru67 0

Awesome!!!! i thought he was going to poop. but that was good enough.

But you are a woman. You should be used to taking bodily fluids to face.

HyperExecuter 0

u noticed that ur dog felt sad? um...

That's really gross was a lot on your face

Sorry your dog was sad? YDI cause dogs don't feel sad they get sick.