By HELP - 07/06/2012 01:25 - United States

Today, I moved into a new house. The landlord insists it's OK for her to come up whenever she wants because she owns the house. We aren't allowed to lock the doors and she has two 8-year-olds. They come into the bathroom every time they hear the shower running. We have a clear shower curtain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 470
You deserved it 4 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No. No it's not okay. If I'm not mistaken that's illegal for her to do.

luckyd880 12

Put a chair in front of the door. That will keep them out. It's not a lock...


That's actually illegal. The landlord needs to give you written warning, by law, before they're allowed entry into the house. It might be hers, but you're the one renting that space and you're entitled to your privacy. Look it up online, show her the proof and if she continues, report her.

courtneyann211 10

I have a clear shower curtain. It's not that uncommon

I have a clear shower curtain as well. And OP should have a right to privacy in her own home and be able to take a shower without two little Visigoths invading her bathroom. The only reason a landlord/landlady should come into an apartment without notice is in the case of an emergency. Yes, the landlord owns the place, but as OP is paying rent, she has or should have a reasonable expectation of privacy--which means the right to lock her doors when she sees fit. I'm tempted to suggest that if anything goes missing to blame the landlady.

#126 I also have a clear shower curtain. I believe it's to stop water from getting all over the floor and not for stopping little perverts from seeing anything. I hate to call children perverts but they must be to run in when the shower is running.

I'm kind of disturbed by how many people said "just change your shower curtains..." Anyways, I'm surprised she's still doing it. Its certainly illegal, and you're well within your rights to tell her that she cannot enter the premises without giving notice (where I live its 24 hours). If she presses the issue involve the police, as it is a violation of your tenant rights. Why haven't you done this as of yet, I have no idea...

Witch_E_Poo 14

#127 I agree with you about the clear curtain comments. wtf. I have a clear curtain, so you can see better. In small spaces it makes the room appear larger also. The clear curtain is not the concern here. I would of smacked the crap out of anyone in my bathroom besides my lover anyway. The tenant is going to get herself into trouble with these kids if she doesnt take action now. No need for silly traps, get the door chain and change the locks if you have to, to prove a point real fast. Tell her she will get a copy of the key as soon as you get the facts with the law straight. I still insist you call the cops today. Log all information on paper now while you remember it clearly, times and dates anyone entered your home. Deff when the kids popped in and what they did. CALL THE ******* COPS!!!

Have the shower running, put a bucket of piss above the door they come in and get covered in piss. Or just scare the crap out of them.

lordlekal 17

Um no, legally a land lord has to give you at least 24 hour notice be for coming in. She may own the place but you pay rent. Lock you doors and if she try's anything i.e. kicking you out. There's always court.

smoke_eater05 0

I know in PA, landlords are required to give you 24 hour notice before coming over. It may be your landlord's house but you have rights as well

richisthatguy 1

Oh my god that sounds like my old apartment!

pfclunchbox005 1

Actually. You can lock the doors. The is privacy. And she's stupid. She HAS to knock before entering. My land lord did the Sw and I pulled out my pistol because I heard someone in my living room. Let's just say he knocks now

Witch_E_Poo 14

Does not matter which state your living in, the Basic Rules are all the same, this is Illegal. There are several actions you MUST take, to stop this person from doing this to you and others. More importantly, what she is doing to her kids! This is complete, child endangerment. She is NOT protecting her children, more less you as a tenant. YOU MUST CALL THE COPS!!! I can not urge this enough. She is allowing her underage, clearly knowing, and not supervised children to run into a strangers house and taking the chances of these kids getting molested, and YOUR taking the chance of them accusing YOU! CALL the cops, NOW, today! You be the first to complain and do it fast, this will mean alot, if something were to happen, and it sounds like it may very well happen. Lock the door on your bathroom, everytime. Lock the door period to your home. If they barge in, slam the door on there faces! PERIOD! You are protecting yourself and your belongings. Go to the court house and file a legal complaint. They can tell you where to go to file another complaint for her doing illegal tenant laws. Take a copy to both departments. You can get this all done in one day if you get up early to do it. No one can ever tell you not to lock your front door from invaders. You are being silly for listening to this person and I will assume that you are young and just not knowing such things. Take action NOW! Lock your doors and do not allow them back in....there is NOTHING she can do, and if she opens the door, kick it shut, you dont know who is walking into your home to stab, rape or harm you. Go and get a chain lock for the door while your out also, they only cost a few dollars at any store, and this will help while your home and she tries to use a key. Further more, only an adult, that is on the lease of the home is allowed in with notice, NOT her uderage children, EVER! This lady has lost her mind and sounds unstable to allow her children to do this. She is setting a horrible example for them and teaching them to clearly not respect others, nor there own safety. She is letting them be entertained by you also, so they will leave her alone clearly.

aleeshttylXD 9
Witch_E_Poo 14

I know right! It was my first FML comment too, I actually just joined to comment! LOL ;)p