
By Anonymous - 01/09/2020 00:30 - United States - Savannah

Today, I woke up to my step-mother taking a shower in my bathroom. Of course, this would be fine, if my bathroom wasn't connected to my room and closet, or that I live in an apartment in their back yard, built before she moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 422
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And apartment in the backyard? Is that a treehouse? I don't understand the relevance of when this apartment was built in relation to the step-mom arriving. Normally I'd ask if your step-mom is hot, but I'm too confused.


And apartment in the backyard? Is that a treehouse? I don't understand the relevance of when this apartment was built in relation to the step-mom arriving. Normally I'd ask if your step-mom is hot, but I'm too confused.

If it was built by her it could be more complicated as this apartment could have been meant to accomodate step-mom's relatives or something. But it was built before so it's pretty simple - she has no business going there.

Of course she has business there -- either getting clean and/or whatever women do in showers (the OP may have an especially stimulating detachable shower head ;) )

coius 23

In california, my uncle converted a large shed (330sq ft) to a 1-floor tenancy and rented it out. The person who rented it got free electricity, free internet, free water and free gas (my uncle is a plumber by trade) which has its own full bath, small kitchen, large sliding-door closet and its own heat/AC system. I imagine this is what he’s referring to is a unit like this. Its almost completely stand-alone. Has its own path from front driveway to its door.

ask her if she would like you to wash her back. or maybe her front. she obviously knows what she's doing.