ADHD brain

By Giggity - 04/12/2022 21:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my attention deficit has gotten so bad that I started watching Family Guy on YouTube to avoid doing any work, then ten seconds later I got bored, grabbed my phone, and looked up "sexy cartoon porn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 335
You deserved it 1 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you have to specify "sexy" for the cartoon ****? To be pornographic, it has to appeal to sexual desire. If you can pay attention long enough, compare your search results for "cartoon ****" with those of "sexy cartoon ****." My hypothesis is that there will be no difference.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Doesn't seem like laziness, seems like depression / ADD burnout.


Why did you have to specify "sexy" for the cartoon ****? To be pornographic, it has to appeal to sexual desire. If you can pay attention long enough, compare your search results for "cartoon ****" with those of "sexy cartoon ****." My hypothesis is that there will be no difference.

tiptoppc 19

That’s not ADD, that’s laziness and no motivation to do anything. Gonna guess, school drop out too? Considering you’re so lazy you look for excuses to avoid work, causing others to likely be forced to pick up the slack. At this point it’s eff their life and ydi.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Doesn't seem like laziness, seems like depression / ADD burnout.

Wadlaen 23

Rule34: dont....don't..... naah whatever.

Probably seek help now. Most insurance will cover therapist visits.