The Final Countdown

By Anonymous - 22/10/2020 21:08 - Israel - Tel Aviv

Today, I found out that I have three weeks to get better at my shitty job before we start discussing my "future" with the company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 879
You deserved it 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sady_Ct 37

It doesn’t matter what job you do, do your best. That reference will help get you out of a shitty job.

do a good job, get the reference and try for a better job. rinse and repeat until you have a job you like/ pays a decent wage. like anything else, why should you get the best job with no experience, willingness to work for it. it sucks but it pays off long term... or change fields, I have had to do that so have many after realizing the field got stagnant in changing times.


Sady_Ct 37

It doesn’t matter what job you do, do your best. That reference will help get you out of a shitty job.

So, to get better at a shitty job, won't you have to become more shitty? That could work out well for you -- this seems to be the golden age for shitty people.

genuinegoodguy 9

Does your boss at your shitty job log on to FML?

One of the best things that ever happened to me was failing a job interview. Shortly after was offered a job in my field for 2x what the failed job was offering. You shouldn't submit yourself to a job you think is shitty.

do a good job, get the reference and try for a better job. rinse and repeat until you have a job you like/ pays a decent wage. like anything else, why should you get the best job with no experience, willingness to work for it. it sucks but it pays off long term... or change fields, I have had to do that so have many after realizing the field got stagnant in changing times.

diraven 15

In my experience this usually means they've already decided to fire you but they have to go through the motions of supposedly giving you a chance to get better to satisfy some corporate HR policy. Might as well just have fun and totally goof off for three weeks.