By Anonymous - 14/04/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, I made my young niece lunch. After she claimed to have eaten it all, she wanted to go out and play. I was putting my shoes on when I found part of the sandwich I made her stuffed in my shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 419
You deserved it 4 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to 'trainer' on how to throw food she's not gonna eat into the bin. ;) Or the compost heap. Hopefully she won't have to 'sneaker' food into hiding places. I'm sure the food was 'boot'iful. Have a 'converse'ation about it, but don't let it turn 'ugg'ly. And all will be well... ington.

lol something tells me your a bad lunch maker


That kid is just stupid to put it in your shoe

Well, that's not so bad. At least you have her dinner ready for when she gets hungry. That will make her think twice, won't it?

TrueStory22 0

This is made me chuckle a little. FYL for not seeing this as funny. It's just a sandwich in your shoe. Also, your niece is a little liar, but so are many kids, it's a phase - talk to her about it and then laugh about it.

Oh no? Kids are always so good about eating? Get over it. When a kid wants to do something they don't care about eating they just want to be done....

Crazy4Christ 0
Blacksmokehick 0

shes a kid, she doesnt wanna eat when you make her..

This shouldn't even be an FML. I would be cracking up if this happened to me!