By Anonymous - 14/04/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, I made my young niece lunch. After she claimed to have eaten it all, she wanted to go out and play. I was putting my shoes on when I found part of the sandwich I made her stuffed in my shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 419
You deserved it 4 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to 'trainer' on how to throw food she's not gonna eat into the bin. ;) Or the compost heap. Hopefully she won't have to 'sneaker' food into hiding places. I'm sure the food was 'boot'iful. Have a 'converse'ation about it, but don't let it turn 'ugg'ly. And all will be well... ington.

lol something tells me your a bad lunch maker


hcovballer247 0

haha I used to do that all the time as a child whenever my parents made me food that I didn't like or didn't feel like eating.,

When I was younger, it was hiding pizza slices under the stove. It's common for kids.

skyeyez9 24

When she is hungry later, give her the other half of the sandwhich she stuffed into your shoe.

When i wouldnt like the food at others's homes, i would hide my food under other larger food stuff on my plate so that it looked like i left a small portion uneaten :P :P

When I was younger I would always put the food I didn't want at the bottom of the garbage. No one would find it unless they dug through it!

maybe you shouldn't have made a shitty sandwich hmmm

Is she anorexic? or just doesnt like your cooking?

It's a life altering situation OP is in. Everyone, to the nearest bomb shelter- it's going to explode!

Can't see why the kid wouldn't take her sandwich to play with her, if she was in a hurry, unless it was awful.