By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 05:47 - United States

Today, I'm being admitted to the hospital for severe exhaustion. Why am I exhausted? For spending 12 hours at the hospital while my sister gave birth. The same hospital I'm being admitted to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 873
You deserved it 5 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

samikitty961 8

you have severe exhaustion for being awake for 12 hours? thats only half of a day!

pnutbudajelly 0

I work at a hospital and had to cover a sick nurse's shift last week. I worked 14 hours straight without a break, on top of having been up 10 hours prior to that. Either you got totally duped into letting them admit you, or you're an abnormally weak individual...


shadyxlane 4

You deserve it for being exhausted after only 12 hours! Your sister is the one who should be exhausted she was the one in labor that whole time

You ARE kidding, right?? I've given birth and it took me 63 hours & a lot of blood, but not even I was 'exhausted'..... Weird!

SteelCladAngel 0

Ugh 63 hours?! I thought 17 was bad! D;

effyoubitch 5

Ouch. Any amount of hours in labor SUCK. I had a miscarriage the other day and it was way more terrifying and painful then when I was in labor for 16 hours. **** that.

OMG, my first was 36 hours and 7 sets of stitches and I thought that was bad! #38, you are a goddamn warrior and I have a lot of respect for you!

Maybe it's a typo, maybe you meant more hours. Whatever, I don't know if it's a fyl or a ydi.

Think about how ur sister feels after going through labor for 12 hours

I get up at 5 a.m. Monday through Friday, drive an hour and fifteen minutes to work, work a ten hour day, then drive an hour and fifteen minutes back home. I avarage about four to five hours of sleep a night and I function just fine. What kind of pussy are you??? I agree with so many others in here, it sounds like you are soooooo upset that your sister is getting all the attention (which she deserves) and you're in the background. Well Boo-Hoo-Hoo - GROW UP - I bet as a kid you were always "Hey look at me, Hey everybody look at me" and when they didn't look you threw yourself on the gorund kicking and crying - what a baby you are - get some maturity in your life....

bustub2 8

I combat severe exhaustion with extreme sleep.

you are probably monstrously obese and probably can't run for 30 seconds straight that or you haven't eaten in a week

Your sister is of childbearing age, meaning you are close to that, and you get severe exhaustion and need hospitalized after 12 hours? Stop watching Jersey Shore and move your butt down the street once in a while. And put down that donut! Oh, right, and what everyone said... She was in labor and you were just sitting there watching Jersey Shore! Grow up!

48- I agree with you except for one thing- you can't assume that siblings are close together in age. My sister, for example, is nearly 18 years younger than me. So just because the sister is having a baby doesn't mean OP is anywhere near that age.

What the hell is it with you and jersey shore?

SteelCladAngel 0

You're tired?? Try BEING in labor that long you whiny bitch. Try being in labor even longer than that, come back and then you can complain about being exhausted!

zebrapattern 6

what? stop typing things while you're exhausted, you sound dumb.