By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 05:47 - United States

Today, I'm being admitted to the hospital for severe exhaustion. Why am I exhausted? For spending 12 hours at the hospital while my sister gave birth. The same hospital I'm being admitted to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 873
You deserved it 5 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

samikitty961 8

you have severe exhaustion for being awake for 12 hours? thats only half of a day!

pnutbudajelly 0

I work at a hospital and had to cover a sick nurse's shift last week. I worked 14 hours straight without a break, on top of having been up 10 hours prior to that. Either you got totally duped into letting them admit you, or you're an abnormally weak individual...


What the Hell? are you some sort of invalid? cause 12 hours is nothing.

what the hell. how could YOU be exhausted? you weren't in labor and 12 hours isn't long. whats wrong with You? sounds like you're just looking for attention.

Kavka 15

you guys do realize that op may have a medical condition that would make 12 hours exhausting