By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 05:47 - United States

Today, I'm being admitted to the hospital for severe exhaustion. Why am I exhausted? For spending 12 hours at the hospital while my sister gave birth. The same hospital I'm being admitted to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 873
You deserved it 5 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

samikitty961 8

you have severe exhaustion for being awake for 12 hours? thats only half of a day!

pnutbudajelly 0

I work at a hospital and had to cover a sick nurse's shift last week. I worked 14 hours straight without a break, on top of having been up 10 hours prior to that. Either you got totally duped into letting them admit you, or you're an abnormally weak individual...


Zombie65 0

If I commented the way I want it would get blocked ....12 hours ....Please

How are you in sever exhaustion from waiting around for your sister to have a baby? It doesn't require any effort and you could have slept. Dumbie!

leadman1989 15

Op was doing backflips and cheerleading the entire time "Push PUSH go sis if you can't do it no one can!!!"

Really? Awake for 12 whole hours? How many hours a night do you sleep?! Suck it up, chump.

You were all there, right? You all saw the OP just sitting in a chair for twelve hours, watching the sister give birth? You all know what the OP had been doing prior to the time he or she spent in the hospital?

OP sounds like an asshole. The sister spent 12 hours in severe pain pushing a baby out her lower regions, and OP, what, sat on a foldout chair and watched a few feet away? Yeah, sounds positively exhausting, buddy. And why's it a FML that he got admitted to the same hospital? Did you expect them to air lift your fancy butt to nicer one or something? It's only common sense to stay in the hospital you're literally already standing in. ******' dumbass.

You must be gigantically obese. I have stayed up for like 4 days in Iraq doing physical labor and not gotten exhaustion. Your in a hospital with AC. Lady, get another big Mac and stfu.

Really? I'm sorry, but you should not be complaining about your "severe" exhaustion when it's your sister that was in labor and is looking at at least a year of absolutely no sleep. This shouldn't have even made it on to FML. 12 hours of no sleep is nothing. Try 72. Then getting just a nap.

You must feel pretty lame for being exhausted. Think about your sister who not only would have been up with contractions way longer than you, but then had to push a baby out! Unless you have some horrible illness I can't feel sorry for you

Take a chill pill. Too bad it will cost a few grand while you are in the hospital.