By Anonymous - 12/02/2017 10:00 - United States - Princeton

Today, I left my house angrily after arguing over the Super Bowl. I guess karma gets nasty when you wish a member of the opposing team would break his back. I fell down the stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 790
You deserved it 6 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell kind of person wishes that on anybody, period? Angry or not, that's not okay.

Your kid must've stepped on a big ass crack


Plus, your wife is using your beard brush in her armpit. That is so West Virginia!

Took me a second to understand until I read the next fml.

everton99 16

Probably the only time a comment with 4 downvotes is one of the top 2 comments lol.

Your kid must've stepped on a big ass crack

I had to reread that a few times. You mean a crack that is big-ass, not a large ass-crack!

What the hell kind of person wishes that on anybody, period? Angry or not, that's not okay.

Isa_fml 20

I just want to know how you argue over the Super Bowl... Were you debating which commercial was best? Or whether or not the Falcons' choke was the worst in NFL history?

Why exactly do people get worked up about sports and different teams, again? And to this point?

Talis99 26

Whatcha get for being a dick. Take some anger management classes, OP.

This is an example of why I laugh and laugh when people say that sports like American football are the pinnacle of instilling good behavior and character.

Astren 5

I can't wait to start university in princeton