By Elizabeh - 08/11/2009 22:38 - Canada

Today, I fell down a set of stairs while going into my basement. With a horrible pain in my left leg, I called out to my boyfriend to help me. Apparently a commercial about grass was more important. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 704
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uh...are u sure it wasn't really a commercial about ass?

Byah 2

YDI for underestimating the importance of lawn grass (I kid, I kid) :D


whatevaaaa 0

what's up with these boyfriend FMLs? they're getting kinda old now.

Yeah, far too many and all the same kinda. Yes your boyfriend is a douche and it won't be long before you find a new one and forget all about him, I know you think it's unbelieveable right now but trust me it will happen and you won't believe how you once thought your life was completely ****** over something like this.

zee209 0

I can't help but laugh at this FML...

Grass is such a pain in the ass. I hope he had a blast, 'cause now you're in a cast.

mr_miyagi 0

This wouldnt happen if you had tivo

uh...are u sure it wasn't really a commercial about ass?

Uhh, no, I believe the OP means she fell down an entire flight of stairs, not just the last 3 stairs or something.

Byah 2

YDI for underestimating the importance of lawn grass (I kid, I kid) :D

Flexanimous 0

Maybe the fertilizer kicked ass!

The blue grass seeds that grow anywhere and have a special coating for their own grass ecosystem??? That's the only grass comercial I know of, and it's amazing!