Best foot forward

By Anonymous - 06/07/2020 02:02

Today, after a month of things going wrong in my life and finally getting better, I woke up refreshed and ready to face the day. Then, I fell down the stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 596
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

That’s ok! It’s still a good day for a good day!

Your judgment is off. You're not ready to face the day. Stay in bed and watch Netflix. Try to face the day next week.


bloopaloop 27

That’s ok! It’s still a good day for a good day!

Your judgment is off. You're not ready to face the day. Stay in bed and watch Netflix. Try to face the day next week.

crashtestdumplin 16

I laughed to this because it sounds like something I would do. But hey! The adrenaline rush from falling will get you through the day