By ItHurtsLIkeHell - 01/03/2010 09:13 - Malaysia

Today, I learnt that if you accidentally sit on a hamster, instead of dying, it bites your testicles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 916
You deserved it 43 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

But I don't have testicles.

I hope you learned to look where you sit.


The_9th_Doctor 18

Actually. He said everything right. You are the one that doesn't know their grammar.

okkkkk so why were you naked? or how strong are these hamsters teeth that they got to your balls? haha

dancergirl345 0

uhm , thanks for the heads up ?

mm.. I mean.. don't get me wrong... I don't know much of anything about Pulau Pinang Malaysian hampsters buuuut I think imah have to go with fake on this one? but like I said.. maaaybe them Malaysian hampsters can survive getting sat on by a human being AND some how manage to get themselves a mouthful of your testies? who knows...maybe I just need to get "learnted"?

Hunter329 0

Oh god, I think I shit myself laughing!

tankman165 0

Seriously, let's make biscuits.