By Roselyn Cazares - 23/07/2017 19:55

Today, I was petting my female hamster when I felt a big mass under her. I immediately thought it was a tumor so I poked it to see if it hurt her. It didn't. Turns out my female hamster is actually a male, and he has really big balls. I touched my hamster's balls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 160
You deserved it 1 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hamsters are notoriously well endowed with their sackage. I work at a petstore that only sells boy small animals (so they don't breed) and one time a hamster was using the balls of another sleeping hamster as a pillow. To each his own i guess

ncparry 18

Hamsters are spawn of the devil, I once had two and then one because the other hamster decided to eat the other hamster and trail it's entrails all over the cage....


ncparry 18

Hamsters are spawn of the devil, I once had two and then one because the other hamster decided to eat the other hamster and trail it's entrails all over the cage....

You may have had too small of an enclosure, or had a species that's territorial or doesn't work in groups. Either circumstances can cause the hamsters to fight and kill each other.

ncparry 18

It was a HUGE cage, several levels with plenty of activities. I just think he was evil.

The most common species of hamsters - Syrian - are not to be kept in together. You may see them as young hamsters in the same enclosure when they are being sold, which is misleading. They will fight sooner or later, as they are solitary animals, with the exception of possibly a female and male while she is in heat. Otherwise, Syrian hamsters will fight and likely kill one another. Other smaller breeds may harm each other when they are not kept in appropriate conditions or do not get along with their roommate. Good living conditions for multiple hamsters is not about about how many activities are available - it is far more important to have square footage that allows them to spread out. Many of the "interesting" cages marketed in pet stores are actually not large enough. Tubes and towers and shelf levels do not add the square footage that many hamsters need to thrive and not fight.

ncparry 18

I learned my lesson, I'll never own hamsters or rodents again. That traumatized me. The intestines everywhere looked like ramen noodles...ugh!

Hamsters are notoriously well endowed with their sackage. I work at a petstore that only sells boy small animals (so they don't breed) and one time a hamster was using the balls of another sleeping hamster as a pillow. To each his own i guess

I hope you bought him dinner and a movie first.

I mean I feed him everyday and fill his water bottle so I guess that counts as dinner hahaha

Well, now you know that your hamster is male.

Why can't I vote or reply directly to Richard's comment ?

Because we’re so awesome, there’s no need to mess with perfection! :)

So. Is that what you'd call a wild handjob ?

piliseep 14

When I was little, my mom bought my brother a male hamster from the pet store. The lady at the store assured us that it was male. When we got home we noticed it was very fat, but paid no mind to it. It kept getting fatter and fatter until finally I found a whole bunch of babies in its hamster house. And thats how we learned that he was actually a she.

ViviMage 39

The petstorebis supposed to segregate hamsters and other small mammals by gender so they can't breed. You either were misinformed, they didn't segregate, or you bought your male at such a young age the testis weren't apparent. I bought my male bunny at a young age, he appears female at a glance because the testis haven't dropped yet.

TacoTheDank 27

Testis is the singular form. Testes* is the plural form.

I guess this is what happens if your brother puts wine in your hamster's water bottle.

you can totally tell when a hamster is male -.- lol. their balls are huge. i was recently at petco and had to tell them that they were actually males and needed to update their little card description lol. its obvious.