By RIP iPhone - 26/02/2017 06:00 - United States

Today, I was using my flashlight app in the driveway to avoid stepping in puddles, as my new shoes are untreated suede. I dropped my phone in the puddle instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 556
You deserved it 2 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What'll it take to persuade you to be more careful??

But have you tried turning it off and then on again??


What'll it take to persuade you to be more careful??

species4872 19

Should have put a new scuba app on your phone.

But have you tried turning it off and then on again??

CheekyRaccoon 27

Call 0118 999 881 999 119 725.. 3 and they might help you with your emergency.

The new iPhone 7 is water-resistant and now you've got an excuse to buy one.

jcash52426 5

Why the hell would you wear suede shoes when is raining out. Go to Payless and buy 2 pairs of crappy shoes 1 for the office and one for the car. So next time all you have to do is change shoes and put the good ones in a bag.

This is the most middle class FML I've read all day...

Maybe don't wear dead animal skin on your feet next time? Water doesn't ruin my recycled plastic shoes.

A shoe that is ruined by water is a useless object. YDI because when you put fashion over practicality you're asking for this to happen.

People need to stop obsessing over shoes on this level. If you're pulling out your phone (a water-sensitive electronic device) in a wet environment to protect your shoes from a little water and dirt(two things shoes are specifically designed to come in contact with) then you need to reprioritize your life.