By Ralph - 04/04/2012 03:02 - United States - Candler

Today, I learned that my roommate doesn't actually know a damn thing about cooking. I'm suffering the effects of him telling me that chicken is best eaten medium-rare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 236
You deserved it 13 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know, a temp of 165 or higher is best for poultry... Oh and cook for your self he isn't your mother.

I bet they also tell you that it's okay to eat mushrooms from your backyard.


How did u not notice u were eating bloody chicken right away?

SwtCherryPie 26

Chicken isnt really bloody when you cook it. It just turns a slimy white/pink color inside until its fully cooked. And if it were slightly bloody he said 'medium rare' which is warm and still a little bloody if its on steak so thats what he expected. ... Makes me gag to think about eating raw chicken... so gross

SwtCherryPie 26

Haven't you ever heard of salmonella? I'm pretty sure they teach you that in middle/high school. Also pretty sure there have even been commercials about it. Even if there haven't been commercials that is pretty common knowledge. Hell, every restaurant menu in Indiana is required to state "The consumption of raw or undercooked meats or eggs can be harmful to your health." Some form thereof is required in many other states as well. How you have not learned this by now is beyond me.

Apparently you don't know anything about cooking either

kiraleann 16

I'm pretty sure "medium rare" chicken probably tastes like shit, so if you kept eating it anyway without questioning it then you probably deserved the tummy ache.

etoilenuit 15

Your the one that ate it med rare.. Your fault..

superbubbles 4

All your gettin for supper is salmonella and food poisoning. Lol

and you dont know a damn thing either apparently... Medium rare chicken...WTF!