By Ralph - 04/04/2012 03:02 - United States - Candler

Today, I learned that my roommate doesn't actually know a damn thing about cooking. I'm suffering the effects of him telling me that chicken is best eaten medium-rare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 234
You deserved it 13 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know, a temp of 165 or higher is best for poultry... Oh and cook for your self he isn't your mother.

I bet they also tell you that it's okay to eat mushrooms from your backyard.


ElSkaterGuy 2

Salmonella is a girl I love...wait, that's not right

mbrooks5110 0

That's steak. And haven't you heard of google?

Sounds like op doesn't know anything about cooking either. Who eats chicken med-rare?

YDI for not using google. My niece knows that and she is 8.

Clearly neither do u. Medium rare chicken???

didn't your family ever teach you that chicken is not like steak and must actually be cooked all the way through?

Jessj958 19

I don't wanna sound mean, but I kinda feel like YDI...if you are old enough to be living on your own with a roommate, it's safe to assume you know that chicken has to be thoroughly cooked. And take the advice of everyone else and maybe start cooking for yourself, possibly both of you so he doesn't get sick!

You don't know anything about cooking either of you believed him.

Why did you eat it? You can see from the colour whether chicken is cooked or not