By Jackey - 05/06/2019 12:00

Today, I signed the contract for my 18th book sale. I went to school to be a serious writer. My latest book is a gay werebear story that involves male pregnancy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 362
You deserved it 1 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

I know it sucks but if you’re paying the bills, be grateful. You can always continue to crank out silly fluff while writing better stories under a different name.

MaleficusTheUnsung 16

Still a better love story than twilight


TomeDr 24

I know it sucks but if you’re paying the bills, be grateful. You can always continue to crank out silly fluff while writing better stories under a different name.

She probably doesn't have the time to do that - to make a living out of writing books, you have to write one book after the other and especially when you write 'supermarket quality' stuff, it's not usual to have sold books you haven't even written yet and to have very short deadlines for them. I'd like to point out here that most writers don't have WE or holiday and generally work everyday of the year. So yeah, you write what you're ask to if you want to make a living out of it. And it sucks, like it sucks to not be doing what you were set out to do in any line of work.

I can't tell if you're trolling or humble bragging. There's plenty of writers out there not getting paid at all. Be grateful for it. It's like complaining that the drive thru gave you the wrong sauce for your chicken nuggets in front of a starving man.

If they don't get paid at all, they are not writers. Being a novelist is a job. Exactly like fixing your sink doesn't make you a plumber, writing a story and putting it yourself on amazon doesn't make you a writer.

It means they're not a professional writer. Just because you don't get paid doesn't negate the time and effort put into it. There are artists that don't become popular until after their deaths. Does that mean that van Gogh and Vermeer weren't painters? There's a reason that "starving artist" is a term.

MaleficusTheUnsung 16

Still a better love story than twilight

What's the name of the book and where can we buy it?

Leviathene 34

google 'Beware the Werebear" I assume this is it :P

So you're writing garbage and then want sympathy for writing garbage?

If it makes you feel better, I'd read it.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Lots of musicians churned out many god-awful albums because they got them money and fame enough to sing what they really wanted to afterwards.

hfnsjsnsjzns 18