By Buzzie - 02/09/2010 21:09 - United States

Today, I learned that my apartment's walls are thin enough for my neighbors to hear my vibrator. I've lived in this apartment for three years. I've been single and horny for all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 545
You deserved it 14 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RoccoRox 0

just say, I do have a boyfriend, he's just battery operated ;).

glorialaura21 8

well just say it's your electric toothbrush! ..and you were making noise bc you have sensitive teeth and it hurts when u brush? lol duhh


Prototype12 0

you must be ugly as heck, cuz horny girls like you are taken in a heart beat

nobody_u_ko 0

I wonder how you found out about this....

makayla_roxx 2

well 12 she could have kicked a wall and it developed a huge hole xD

yazmi_09 3

lol either you have a really loud vibrator or your walls are extremely thin, or both lol, either way, that's pretty funny

IphonFML 6

i think u should stop ur loneliness but keep ur horniness ans sleep with ur neighbour:)

How'd you find out? Awkward dinner with you and your neighbors?

glorialaura21 8

well just say it's your electric toothbrush! ..and you were making noise bc you have sensitive teeth and it hurts when u brush? lol duhh

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

12- that's what I was thinking. did they pound in the walls saying quite masterbating and get a man??

Jessi2487 0

you could always say its ur razor... you have to shave ur face every day, and the razor blades against ur flesh just feels, soo, good.. and then moan awkwardly.

that's ONE loud vibrator! or either you're loud, which is hot but it wouldn't hurt to keep it down since you live in an apartment.

Op ydi but luckily us men can be quiet when we **********, as far as the single for 3 years means you're ugly or stupid so fyl. I'm still a virgin w/ no life but as a guy it's up to me to get myself laid, so I can't complain

that must be one high powered thunderstick, gasoline or diesel?

lexielovesyou 0
sammehsaurus 0

43 Wouldn't they just think OP is even weirder for having to shave her face everyday? lol

NightSkyx 0
sammehsaurus 0

show me a pic of yourself and I'll see what I can do.

lol I can jus picture this from ur neighbors point of view. ...buzzzz..."there goes our damn single horny neighbor again." lol I bet they have a schedule of when ur goin to.

Op ydi, a thin wall goes both ways; you should've heard them and realized that they could hear you. Unless your neighbors are silent at all times, or you are an extraordinarily loud screamer, you shouldve noticed. if you and your vibrator are that loud you need to go somewhere more private to do that, such as the moon or a soundproof room or something.

That's funny , I brush my teeth a lot.

missmurderx 8

Original poster. Common guys, be nice. Lol

maybe she can hear her neighbor ********** as well

patiencek 0

Definately should have said you just like to use your back massager. Alot. Don't listen to any of them 67, OP means Orange Penguins.

Better yet, just tell them, "Yes, those are the sounds I make when I **********. Want to know how to shut me up? Get the **** in my bedroom, and get those ******* pants off.

the_flirtt 0

109 or they make bets on when she will do it lol

I always wondered if my neighbors could hear mine as well...

shalbriri 0

71 - Well Played 123 - Your moms an idiot. YDI for using a vibrator as large as your forearm that produces a hum that is similar to walrus and a hippo having sex.

uhm ew? maybe you should work on the whole boyfriend situation ... just a thougt

OhYeaYourLifeSuc 0
TheOriginalKyrs 0

172's comment owns any comment to ever exist. ROFLLLLLL!!!

tweetbaby14 18

you must have either paper thin palls or a loud ass dinosaur vibrator.

I know the feeling</3 btw that sucks major ass.. fyl

fatham 0

i think ur pretty :D im a guy:' ;)

178 used the words dinosaur and vibrator in the same sentence, that's kinda hot.

patiencek 0

thank you for the kind words 174

Yeah I think I heard 39 brushing her teeth the other day for a couple of hours. She must have a plaque build up... lol

_football4life_ 0
roflmaker 0
sexycourtcourt 0

25-u are ******* hot and I agree with u. if ur both horny, go **** eachother

sebastian97 6

You say you have an IQ if 167, did you know Albert Einsteins IQ was only around 140?

ha ha ha ha ha how did you not know the walls were that thin??

IphonFML 6

i was gonna tell u to get a bf/gf but i dunno what gender u r :S

I don't think very many guys use vibrators...

26- How many guys do u know that use a vibrator??

sammehsaurus 0

29 You never know.. there are some pretty kinky guys out there lol 0.o

IphonFML 6
pwincessa23 1

i think 26 is talking to 3. lol i think its a girl

Hm well if that's the case, I think I'd make a pretty funny-looking guy. Also, I'm happily married and 30wks pregnant with our first little girl. But if he meant op, I guess it could apply to both genders but um..well I won't judge.

Stand_Up 0

and who knows maybe she is a lesbian.

holaworld 0

ohhhh. must have been fun to hear:) haha

OneShotSnipa 0

I know I wouldn't had fun listening ;)

tagerrun 1

ya take numb 3's advice it sure looks like she has one

KarinaLizeth18 5

Ha thanks. I'm sure you're pretty hot too but I don't see a picture.. and if you must know I've been married for almost 2 years to the man I've been with for over 5, and we're expecting our first child in a few weeks.

bahahahahahahahahaha! did you notice she changed her pic? aha self consious much? ahaha

fordgtjo 0
cheekywench 0

Turn on a radio.... but honestly who cares if they hear it, maybe they enjoy listening.

Are your walls made of cardboard or something?? No sweat just invite the neighbors over for the live show lol

stevenJB 25

Card board is actually a good noise suppressor...