
By mental - 02/09/2019 18:01 - United States - Norfolk

Today, I had my first appointment with my new therapist. After I told her my family history and past abusive situations, she looked at me and asked, "How are you still sane?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 837
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I'd consider that to be a compliment of your inner strength and resiliency in the face of significant adversity ie, nothing to sniff at.... Good luck to you! :-)


OP, I'd consider that to be a compliment of your inner strength and resiliency in the face of significant adversity ie, nothing to sniff at.... Good luck to you! :-)

Like the other commenters, I say to take it as a compliment. Your therapist may not have worded it well in the moment, but it seems to me that she meant it as a compliment to your mental strength so far, even if you don’t believe that you are that strong yourself.

*smerk* by people like you. As you put your numerous cats in order by size.... LMAO :) congratulations on getting help. I hope it works for you.

Mooglefox 23

I would have told him that I was never sane to begin with

kmorse 14

Just made my first appointment ever with a therapist and I wonder if this will happen to me too 😂 Congratulations on seeking help - it seems like it's the hardest part.

Wadlaen 23

Looks like you got in a good situation with a good therapist, and that things could only improve. Wish you the best of luck!