By Buzzie - 02/09/2010 21:09 - United States

Today, I learned that my apartment's walls are thin enough for my neighbors to hear my vibrator. I've lived in this apartment for three years. I've been single and horny for all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 530
You deserved it 14 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RoccoRox 0

just say, I do have a boyfriend, he's just battery operated ;).

glorialaura21 8

well just say it's your electric toothbrush! ..and you were making noise bc you have sensitive teeth and it hurts when u brush? lol duhh


Yikes. On the bright side, at least they couldn't SEE you in the act. That would be worse...

LemonMan 0

That's not much of an fml. So your walls are thin, stop complaining and give them something to listen to along with that vibrator. Moan a little or something. geez.

Samko_chan 5

What I wanna know is how OP found out the walls were thin enough for the neighbours to hear.

hmmmm fyl op but oh well shit happens, life goes on, one of my favorite things to love by..

whateverdemi 0
Christopher08 0

damn are you that fat and ugly that you can't get laid well here's some advice go to a night club get drunk as hell and find a guy to take you home or you find a guy to take home even try a bar or become friends with some niggas they like fat juicy women ;)

mza832000 0

damn op... :-/ there's GOTTA be someone out there for ya